Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week 24: Tracting in slippers and stepping on frogs

Hey Family and Friends!
This was a pretty crazy week and I am so excited to tell you about it! First off we have this new investigator! yay! We thought her name was Melissa, but then we asked her how to spell her name and she started to spell Miranda...err now we need to go change all the papers we wrote her name on...Anyways she is so nice and is actually married! Her and her husband, Dan, have a cute little daughter named Charlotte. It is hard for me to get out of the baby holding mind set...I haven't really dealt with any little ones since i have been on my mission so it was so weird when we were teaching her about the Restoration and about every 5 seconds I had the thought of asking to hold Charlotte and then I stopped myself...haha it was really strange. I did that the whole lesson :p They also have 2 Siamese cats and they are so sweet. One of the cats is blind and deaf, but he is the cutest ever and I just love to hold him through the whole lesson. He does pretty well getting around and stuff. He is a trooper! We love going over there though and teaching Miranda. Dan hasn't been home, but we told her he is welcome to sit in the lessons as well. She is very open to letting us teach her, but there are still a few things holding her back. She is Lutheran so she is still pretty set in her ways, but we are going to help her resolve her concerns :) We are going back over tonight to teach her about the Plan of Salvation (My favorite!) So please pray that it will go well!
We also went on exchanges this week and boy was it an adventure! I went with Sister Brandley and we were able to have a lot of success.That night Sister Brandley and I were saying out personal prayers. I had finished before her and so I just laid in my bed and waited for her to finish. Time went by and I just thought "Wow she has super prayers...she is praying for like everyone! All her investigators and family and even the members probably....--" Then I hear a big loud snore. I giggle to myself and realized she totally fell asleep in her prayer...and she continued to sleep for about 15 minutes more in a praying position. Ha too funny. I just couldn't stop laughing. The next day we went tracting! When we got to the street we were going to tract on, we parked and got out of the car. We started walking towards a house when I noticed that my feet didn't quite feel right...I looked down and gasped! Sister Brandley looked at me and asked what was wrong. I began to be embarrassed because this was the Sister training leader! ah! I didn't change out of my slippers into my shoes and now I would be tracting in them...They are my moccasin slippers so luckily they look a little more like actual shoes...maybe if i was on an Indian reservation lol...We didn't have much time so we went with it. No one commented on them so hopefully it wasn't a horrible thing. haha Now I tell Sister Olsen to never let me leave the house with my slippers on.
Later that night we had sloppy joes and I asked Sister Brandley to relate the sloppy joe to the gospel because she is really good at that. I thought what she said was so deep! "A Sloppy Joe is like Repentance. It's messy, but it is wroth cleaning up". Wow I was shocked. I couldn't top that.
Sister Olsen and I went to go help one of our investigators pack up because she is moving soon down to Florida. We had so much fun and we really hope she will want to continue to learn from the missionaries in Florida. We have built such a great friendship with Ellen and she really loves the Sister missionaries. We are going to get her address there and write her and also hopefully send her other cute sister missionaries! She needs the gospel in her life! While helping her pack she maybe sort of gave us a little bit of piles of clothes...I couldn't resist. But It took all of me to not take all of the clothes. Her daughter is just my size. She also gave me some boots and some really good snow boots. I am hoping maybe I can just use these instead of buying new ones. We will see. 
Sister Olsen totally stepped on a dead toad on Friday. That was gross, but I couldn't stop laughing. She is scarred for life and hates frogs and toads. I don't blame her though. 
Thank you mom and dad for the books you sent me! I look forward to sharing one of them with a member too. They got here safely but i had to pay extra for postage because the mission office had to forward it. I really appreciate packages but i ask you to either address them to where i am staying or to always use flat rate or priority boxes and envelopes when sending them to the mission office. They can forward those kind of boxes and envelopes free of charge. If you do plan on sending me a package please let me know so i can look for it. Also Since it is close to transfers and i may be transferred please send everything to the mission office for now. I will let you know if i get a new home address.

My mission President also sent this to all the missionaries: 

The Church has produced a 90 minute documentary film called “Meet the Mormons” and has asked that it be shown to all of the missionaries in our mission. You will see it as part of your Zone Training Meeting in October. The missionary department has provided the following instructions relative to the release of the movie, which will open in select markets (not in our mission yet) on October 10th.
• Meet the Mormons was created to help others find greater understanding of the Church and our members. It is not intended to be a proselyting tool.
• Missionaries should not see the film in theaters or proselyte near theaters. 
• Missionaries should invite or encourage members, less-active members, and investigators to see the film. They also may encourage members to take friends to see the film. 
• Missionaries should not use the film as a means to make initial contact with individuals during the theatrical run. 
• Following the theatrical run, the film will be shown in visitors' centers, missionary training centers, and on digital platforms such as Netflix, iTunes, and YouTube. 
• A special pass along card will be provided for sharing with investigators and less-active members. Missionaries may use these pass along cards to continue inviting new contacts and investigators to watch the film on Netflix, iTunes, and YouTube. 

President Cutler

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! please continue to keep the missionaries in your prayers.
Love Sister Emily Sarah Eaton
 "I love my camera!"
ooops, was I not supposed to share that one?

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